Frequently Asked Questions:

Do you include MC Services?  Tell us about your MC style 

Yes! Every package comes with an MC included. We’re all confident and comfortable making announcements and introductions, and will work with your coordinators to keep the event moving according to plan in a fun and engaging way. By design, our MCs are not particularly chatty on the microphone. Rather than yelling at guests to “put your hands up” or “jump”, we tend to use our instruments to elevate the energy and engagement in a room.

How many hours coverage? 

Packages are a flat fee for the duration of the event, with an additional hourly fee per musician past midnight. For the dance party portion of the event, our packages are capped at four hours. Longer than four hours, and we recommend a break and after-party to allow guests the opportunity to take a break.

Do you ever do public shows? 

Because the members of the collective are all full-time touring artists, if we’re not working a private Golden Bell event, chances are we’re on tour or playing in other projects. We don’t do showcases, but have invested in several videos to showcase the DJ/live band hybrid in a live setting.

Can we select a particular performer? 

Because we’re set up as a music collective, we’re able to book higher-profile artists who wouldn’t have been available for private events otherwise. Our touring schedules aren’t solidified until about three-months prior, which previously made it impossible to accept offers for weddings and private events, as they tend to book well in advance. The catch to having an artist who might just have been playing at Red Rocks the week prior is that we aren’t able to guarantee individual members at the time of booking.

What are your Live options for ceremony and Cocktail Hour? 

Our standard packages include someone from our team to run sound and cue recorded songs from a playlist, though we love providing live music for these special moments. Our live options include:

Does the live/DJ hybrid ever include vocalists? 

Yes! We do have a featured vocalist option, which is designed to energetically be the climax of the show. A high-profile vocalist would be featured for a captivating 30-minute set at a pre-defined time during the event.